Monday, March 12, 2007

The Balance?

I've been thinking to myself and been looking people around me every single day. Trying to understand the eagerness of waking up in the morning, going through the jam on the highway, get to the office in time, work for five days, and at the end of the week, party in clubs or rest at home. Thats the normal thing that everyone sees around them and feels around them. I've tried to understand the urge of materialism in the world that everyone is living in today. Clothings, to cover ones body. Cars, to make one comfortable at all times. Watches, to keep track of time. Hand phones, to communicate. Wallets, to keep important things in it. Handbags, to differentiate between genders. Shoes, to keep one's feet clean. All these are actually what we need, but being transformed into what we want. Some became suckers for either one of these. Some are forced to want it, some forced themselves to want it, others just have whatever there is left. Today, fights of materialistic inventions between the two sexes, which one are men's which one are women's gets higher and higher each minute.

Everyone admits that they have feelings when it comes to relationship or friendship or at the workplace to get sympathy from the opposite party which unintentionally hurt their feelings. What about the other less fortunate people? What about the victim of natural and man made unforeseen events? What about the ones that even didn't know how to complaint? Did we ever look at that point and carry on? Did we ever helped the needy? Would we be thinking of helping the needy when we are not in their positions? Would we even care to take part?

Pretentious and denial is to words with merely the same meaning, but when its imply to two different individual, the outcome is totally different but in a same manner. What is the objective of being such? If one is to believe that fairy tale do come through, why must reality be such a harsh sight to look at and such a torture to endure?

Love? What is love to human being? Being in love, a male and female have attractions for each other. Some find true love, but it lasted for months, or at most, years. To have a physically stunning partner is to be seen by others, is the heart really true to each other? To give and receive shows tolerance between the couple, but to receive and give what? To love the same gender because the opposite gender was a painful experience. Is this wrong? Or is it just another solution to rebound? To feel safe in the arms of the same gender is something that is against mother nature. But to be born with such attribute is to show to the world that this person have to endure life no matter what God had given him. Its two very different situation. Having a couple which have the pretentious and denial factor in them, will be good to look at in public. But have they stay true to their feelings? What about someone else that really show the tendency of true love? Aren't they the ones that should have been given a chance to show internally the true feeling of this wonderful thing called love?

Getting acquaintance with someone is a basic thing to be evolved into something human called friendship, maybe relationship and hopefully a happy ending. Reality shows nothing about getting to know someone else. If a guy tries to get to know a girl, they call it "pick up line's good ey!". If its the opposite, they called it "damn, thats one hell of a slut!". Wheres the smile, the nod, the "hi" and all the other body language stuff that back in the old days it worked perfectly for our ancestors? Why must there be "a Lamborghini before u can date me"?

A simple understanding of relationship relates to the cycle of people's daily life. Affecting from the workplace, right till the very own house that one is staying under. Why can't there be balance in between the center? Why can't the ease of smiling be around be around anymore? Why can't people care about each other? The balance of everything that one does is in one's own hands. There is no one to blame, there is no one to take the blame. Its all in the mind.

Its been a while since i wrote in my blog, just writing crap, don't bother thinking about what i just wrote! If u do, please send me some feedbacks. Indeed The Balance is a great force, but to overcome it takes courage and risk. Until then..Ja-na!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow,such a philosopher u are.

more updatessss pleaseeee.

am running out of good materials to read.
