Friday, October 19, 2007


I remembered my 1st day in school, I wear uniform, I hate it, cause I have to look the same like others. The only thing that separates me from others is my name tag. Thats why I treasured it so much. In secondary school, the same shit still happening. This time, I can see that people are trying to be different though wearing the same shit. From hairstyle to shoes to accessories. It doesn't make any difference, we all still look the same in uniform.

You must be lost when you read the 1st paragraph. Well, the thing is students get to forget what the teacher teach them after secondary school, and pick up different stuff in college and then university. stuff like clubbing and picking up chics, casual sex and smoking pot from the college days, then trying to be rebellious and go against the government when they are in university. When they step into the career life. It all changes, money is more important, cause without it, they will be no savings account. no savings account equals no credit card, no credit card equals cannot flash in front of chics, cannot flash in front of chics equals no percentage in marriage anytime soon.

So, where are we going here?*giggles* Lets start from the beginning. I was saying that people tend to forget what had been taught in school. Well, theres one thing for sure I'm really certain they won't forget. Uniforms. If you don't believe me, hit the clubs on weekends or even as early as Thursday. (Reminder, this ideology only refers to Malaysian Clubbing scene). When you hit the club, try and look at what the guys and the girls wear. If you can see everyone is wearing different fashion or different clothing style, I can safely say the next day of that day you saw that, will snowflakes fall on Malaysian soil.*giggles*

I'm so sorry I can't continue writing cause every time when I think of this subject, it never fails to make me laugh till I roll on the floor. Ja-Na


This has been the most sensitive issue that everyone try to avoid looking into. Try to avoid talking about it. Try to avoid not to even touch it and just act as if its not there.

Well let me tell you something. If you don't talk about it, argue about it, look into it, you know know whats already happening to it, how deep does it go, how wide does it spreads. In Malaysia, what I can see is people non-stop telling other people "Oh, I'm not racist I am Malaysian". Fuck you la! Not racist. Look at Maxis, tell me the majority people working in it. Look at starbucks, tell me the majority people working in it, McD's, Burger King and the list goes on. Look at "Kedai Motor Ah Chong" and you'll see the difference.

All you bastard sitting in you bloody cubicle so up high in the 10th floor (and above) all you see is traffic jam and chics outside your office. Don't you ever think that someone in your "job application" filing really needs the job. Does looks really matter when you flip burgers? or grind coffee? or arrange whats going to be on air? they don't see your bloody face, end results matters then how much KCC paint you put on your bloody face. Or how many inch of heels are you on. If you wanna be a porn star just say so, I can arrange the shooting date, hire some male actor and we make millions. better then a 9-5 job right?

If you want everyone to be happy, just let everyone try, so many times elderly say "belum cuba, belum tau". Still so stubborn, so stuck up.

Then jobless people get more jobless, government trying to help, yes of course, government spend hell alot of money for undergraduate or jobless people, but this is where companies take advantage. "you diploma holder ar? ok la..i pay you rm800, wanna work?" Hallo! If you stay in my hometown, 800 ringgit can survive la, you stay in bloody kl? 800 ar? pay the room rent koyak already la the pocket!

Then goes the lecture "oh, our company needs to cut cost la..everything expensive la" hallo! prostitute still charging rm188 full package..what the fuck? Rubber price go up also still 188, oil price go up also still 188, still can bullshit college student everything expensive ar? aiyo. Why can't you just tell them "We are sorry we cannot afford to pay you that high cause we want to take advantage of you" or "we can't afford to pay you that high cause, you don't look handsome/pretty" the list can go on..

So tell me, are we racist? or are we just still racist? Can you even stop it? Of course u can't it runs in our blood. If racism can be stopped, John Lennon would have been King of the world already. *giggles* Until then Ja-Na

Playing Nice?

Theres always a saying from the elders "What comes around goes around" or "Give and Take" and so on. To think of it, all this proverbs don't come into practice no more don't you think?

Imagine you're in your office doing your work, being out of the boss's radar to being eliminated from the firm (sounds like a reality TV show to me). Let me rephrase, being fired.*giggles* Sometimes your colleague will bug you to help them out with stuff e.g "How to print ar? Why my pc cannot print ar?" or "Why my pc cannot surf ar?" or "Why cannot photocopy like how you do it ar?". Aren't they manuals to all that? like "Help" button on windows and manuals for machines around the office? Are they really that dumb? What did they learn in college or university? Wank to porn? Pickup opposite sex and hope to score on the same day? (To parents reading this, please plug off your ASTRO when you go to sleep, don't think that ASTRO = no playboy channel = safe. Still got some stupid show that can ruin your children's life).

Then when you help your colleagues in office they tend to depend on you more and tend to ask you to do stuff for them more, from photocopying to printing to typing letters and then doing their job for them, without you knowing it end of the day. Which institute did they go to. I also wanna learn how to do that. When promotion day comes, you don't get it. They get it. What the fuck? Then they expect people to throw them a party because the get promoted.

Now, think of it. Is it still safe to play nice in your everyday life? Is it worth it? Seen a girl on the street with ripped off cloth, you might think that she just got raped or something, offer her help and the next thing you get is you're the one that got reported, now you're IT!! still don't get my drift?

Let see, heres another e.g driving back from office to house, saw a car broke down, saw 2 or 3 people trying to stop any car that pass by, you decide to offer help, wham! you got robbed!

Someone ask you for direction, then you tell them "oh its that way"...great theres a knife pointing at your throat, you got robbed again!

Wheres the manners that once our elderly people taught us? I'm not saying people out there are "kurang ajar" or something similar to that. Is just that the economy is so bad, even I can't get a decent job. But, I don't go around and extort people's money, but end of the day I'm still the one that has no food on the plate at home, still at least I know I'm not barbaric enough to pull up a stunt like how they report it in the papers or what we see everyday.

P/S: Don't believe I can't get a job? Try and pull up 7-11 job application files, see how many of my form went there? Not enough evidence? Try Starbucks or Burger King or McDs..I'll write on Racist soon...Is It Racist or Are you scared? *grin*

Are they really that bad?

I've been out of the chatting realm (mIRC) for quite a while now, as well as yahoo messenger and also MSN messenger. Been playing this MMORPG they like to call it..which stands for Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. Its an online game that gives you an RPG feel (wiki RPG, I'm to lazy to explain). Since then, I've been a bitch to that game, dammit! (thanks to douglas, with World Of Warcraft now? damn). Getting back to the point.

This game is running from a server which turns out to handle south east asia region since its a Korean game, US has it too. Now, the servers are run by bloody Sings or Singaporeans, like most Malaysian our 1st impression towards them is "Ek eleh, Kiasu siot!" or "Mai Kiasu la Kiasi ho bi Kiasu la" or "What the fuck is wrong with you dude!" *giggles*. So we have alot of international players in it. Singaporeans, Malaysians, Filipinos, Thais, Vietnamese, Aussies, Indonesians, Kiwis and lots more. I've mingled with a lot of Singaporeans and they are fine to me, are they really that bad?

I have to admit some are quite fucked up, but not all are like what everyone said. I guess our previous prime minister wasn't to happy with the prime minister over there that fucked up a few deals and it became a big issue that Singaporeans are fucked up. Not to me though. I found a few decent Singaporeans that can be tagged along with. Like Malaysian I can safely say.

Now the fucked up part is the management/company that runs the server for the game, that do the marketing for the game, that was given the license from the Korean themselves to run the show. These are the real fucked up people. Well, end of the they they are still fucked up, not all but most of them. *giggles* until then Ja-Na

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I've seen various kinds of commitment that different people give in different ways. Some give their all to their love ones but when it comes to risk in making their future brighter their balls ain't bigger then church mice. Some give their all to survive everyday, and end up being the thug or the criminal that commits crime which everyone list down in their bloody brains as "wrong". Some give their all in what they love doing most and end up not being appreciated or thank for. Some give their all to the greater good of the interest of many, but in the end being condemn and label as someone very vicious and greedy and unthoughtful. What is right? What is wrong? No one knows that in the World today. No one seems to care whether its right or wrong. All they know is if everyone does it, then is right. So if everyone start raping underage kids its right, everyone becomes a conman and con all the others that tries to have a better tomorrow then its right, everyone start to open food stalls cause is the best business then its right, everyone opens a car showroom cause the government gives new APs then its right? Why can we all be different? Our name is already different, our face is different, our skin is different, our house has different locations. If everyone going towards the same thing, who is going to pick up the trash? Who is going to sweep the floor? Who is going to serve in the restaurant? Who is going to design clothing? who is going to make movie? who is going to sing songs? Who is going to write books? Who is going to represent the younger generation in what they do best? Everyone that does all these is not in the country anymore, cause others in other countries on this very Earth appreciates other people's nobility in what they do best. Variety is something wonderful. Lets just take the easiest example. Botanical Garden, if all the flower in that bloody garden is the same, would u even want to look at the picture? Until then.. Ja-Na!


Note:Whoever that is going to start reading this, please don't feel offended and if you are, I'm am deeply sorry for I'm only drawing out my thoughts. I'm me, kill me if you to. Don't left me half dead cause I'll make sure you won't see the next sunrise. :D

My eldest brother went to the government office to ask for for loan to do business, paperwork done, 5 years company done, documentation done. The only feedback the officer gave was "Awak tidak layak di panggil bumiputra kat sini dik"

What the fuck? Whos bumiputra in the 1st place? malays in west malaysia or the tribes in Sarawak? dude(to that officer) get your facts right! Read your history books, else ask you mommy or daddy who was the people that sacrifice their asses when japanese come and rape and kill everyone in West Malaysia. Damn you!

Anyways, I will write more about this..hehe..Ja-Na

Monday, May 14, 2007

Three down, Two more to go!

Today I woked up at 6am, bathed and went to Putrajaya with my brother. Had breakfast there, its really nice to have breakfast there, very calm, no disturbance, not much of noise, all you can hear is the ceiling fan spinning. The mee goreng is superb!

At 7:30am sharp we shoot off to the hospital. I had an appointment to extract my wisdom tooth. It had to be removed surgically. Was kinda scary, cause its my 1st time doing all this shit. After the surgeon looked at my tooth x-ray, she said, "You want, I extract 3 1st for you 1st"; I said, "Wahlau eh, Sure or not can be done?". The the surgeon told me is possible. I agreed to the plan.

To tell you the truth, having to pay 52 ringgit to extract 3 tooth with that kinda treatment, its more then worth it. The surgeon did a superb job with it. 2 had to be surgically remove, one extract normally. 2 are wisdom tooth and one is a broken tooth. Started at 9:45am and finished at 11:00am. I'm recommending people who wanna settle their tooth problem to go to putrajaya hospital. Its worth you trip there. The seats are comfortable the air-con are cold enough. But, to get to the hospital, you need to go to the klinik putrajaya to make sure that your tooth is bad enough for the surgeon to repair. The clinic is also good. Damn my mouth stings. Well I better get some rest now. Ja-na!

Smokin Asses!

Yesterday I went to 3 shopping mall. My friend wanted to get a set of bikini, don't ask me why cause I never even bother asking her. Ikano Power Center was having this promotion with mattress and beds and all that, The Curve is crowded by people because of the bundle stall or flea market like one of my friend mention. If its a flea market, why not just sell flea right? Since bundle shops in Uptown is not that save to go to unless you're going in a group. This bundle stalls are more for classy people. I can see all kinds of females that are in various kinds of fashion, going for the same blouse! Pathetic! No offense, its like guys watching porn movies. So girls, don't complain. You have your weakness too. Cineleisure has cool anime and hobby shops, I'd go back there one more time to get what I wanted. The air-con was super cold there.

Anyways, that is all beside the point, the point I'm trying to make is, with all this crowd, as me and my friend was walking back to IKEA (thats what i parked my car), I saw a 8-10 years old boy sitting at the pathway (where Starbucks is at The Curve), some mat salleh's kid, looked pretty cute, curly hair with a cap (reminds me of ACDC) and well dressed, at that point I start to wonder, wheres the parents. But, every thought of that stop the moment I saw a cigarette bud on his right hand, I was like telling myself "What the fuck?". Even I started smoking when I was only primary 6. Damn. Until Ja-na!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


yeay! got myself a 22 inch ViewSonic! bloody cheap ok! i can watch porn in widescreen! Coolness! Ja-na!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Another Day of Reminiscence...

Today I woke up early again, went for a meeting early in the bloody morning. Came back at noon and slept for a while, what do you expect? Its Sunday! Well, as usual went and had my lunch with my brother at "Makcik Murah USJ" thats what we tagged the place as. Its because, its cheap and theres a vast variety of food to be picked.

Later in the evening, I got a reply from a dude that I messaged on, which happens to be my friends younger brother. Well, he gave me his brother's number. Damn I was glad, and after that I got another 2 of my long lost friend's contacts. So far its my complete circle of friends which I really hanged on to back in the days. Ting Tiew Hui, Liew Mee Leong and Lau Nei Poh. Why? Cause they are my cycling mate and we won 3rd place in a race back in hometown, thats why! Until then, Ja-na!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sarikei The Swan Town?

Still can't sleep, so I just check the feedbacks to my blogsite and found this dude asked me to check out his website, which happens to be my beloved hometown. You guys should check it out to. A reminder, please use IE to check it out, firefox can burn 'em in..dammit..the link is available in my Trijectorical list.

I don't like the sound of it, wheres the pineapple that our forefathers tried so hard to make it the best breed ever on earth's soil? goddammit, my late father won't like this news. All the hard work to do R&D down the drain because of politics? It should be and always be Sarikei The Pineapple Town. This is one of the most unique town ever! You can even buy stuff that KL kids have as apperals back in '95 at my hometown! *grins* thats why its so unique. Anyways I'll update more on my beloved hometown..until then Ja-na!

Understanding over Knowledge..?

I've been sleeping early for these few days, I mean really early. I'll take my bath at 7pm and I'll be tucking in by 8pm and here I am wide awake. Ever since, I felt like writing back, a part of me which I never imagine tapped before.

Theres a discussion, or should I say a meeting which I attended with The Great Minds of the World. Really a relief you know, getting some enlightenment from The Great Mind himself, every part of our body needs to consume something, no?. Its like I'm craving for more and more, but its getting harder and harder each step I take to the stair which several months back I weren't able to even see the door.

The Great Mind mentioned, knowledge is a carrier for a value, and what is that value? Understanding of different sorts of knowledge will give you the other half to materialize what was written or told. Its obvious that, Understanding is still more valuable. Knowledge?

Anyone can obtain knowledge, through reading or forced to read, thats why around us, we are able to confront with two genres of human kind. The Dropouts and The Graduates.

Status of who is being smarter and who is being more successful was always an issue in human life for centuries. But, was it an issue for God? We are taught by our religion not to hate our enemy but to forgive and be nice to them. That one particular sentence can mean a lot of things.

It doesn't have to be our enemy as in people that hurt us or people that ruined our life in the past. Its about leveling, segregating, truncating and putting a border line between each other. Its an easier way to make one feel better in his/her comfort zone.

What if you were to think really carefully about what I've mention in the earlier paragraph "through reading or forced to read". You all know that our parents really love us, is just that, the various ways of affections that they shown to us through out the years and years to come effects us in different way. Some had good experience and some had it the other way.

No everyone can be the same, else there will be no balance. So the ones that reads a lot doesn't mean will get good scores in schools or university, the ones that are shown in the news through variety ways of mass media are just a small percentage the success rate.

Actually, the one that really enjoys reading are the ones that spend half of their lifetime reading. It can be anything, from reading story books to comic books. These are the ones that even risk their time for reading, where their parents want them to do some other activities which they thought its more productive, then just sitting in a spot and hopefully their eyes won't get spoiled being to stagnant.

As for the ones that are force to read, these are the ones that actually suffer in their lifetime. Forced to read and like it, force to understand, which is something not right to do.

But, every parents wants a better life for their generation to come. We can't blame whats above us. We have to deal with it and move on, so that our generations to come won't have to face the same shit that we've been through.

When the one that likes to read stumble across something they shouldn't have, their perception towards something changed. Principles and rules build up around them. These are when they space out and isolate themselves. I'm not saying is a bad thing, but to learn so much about something in life makes one a more dangerous person. Don't forget the Englishmen once said, "Its better not to know, then to know".

The one that are forced to read does not give a shit about what they are reading as long as they memorizes it and pass every single test in school and drill their way right in the university. End of the day when they start a career life, nothing that they have read can be put into practice. Frustration builds up, stress levels are hitting boiling spots, anger rages and temper devour. Suicide was always the easy way to get away with things, again an easy way to your comfort zone. Theres a saying, "When you do it, do it right".

Now, who would be fallen into the category of understanding and who will be in the podium of knowledge? Does it matters?

Still, by working together hand in hand, results will be shown. Thus, theres a place call "company" or "workspace" for these heads to collide and make things happen. With understanding and knowledge materializing something will be made possible.

But at one point, human will start to get smart and start to get arrogant (no wonder the aliens don't like us so much). We start to fight over who will take the limelight.

Was it worth it? To study till your heads ticked like a time bomb. Was is worth it? To stay jobless and do things that one wants to do? Was it worth it? To just stay in a spot where you're been offered a better one? Was it worth it? To climb the stairs as quick as you can to get to the top?

These are all rubbish I'm reminding you. Until then.. Ja-na!

Friday, April 27, 2007


Ever wonder that you really had bad luck going through your day?

Beats me, to me its just the force of balance to even things up, to even the good things you had in life no matter the timespan. Everyone wants to have a good day everyday. Ever thought of what about the bad days? Is it even with the good times you have? Does it balance up with what you enjoyed?

To have jolly friends, to have great times with your love ones, to have successful careers, to achieve your personal goals to answer what you crave for.

What about the bad things that you are trying to avoid. Its usually to hide the ugliness, to show people that your normal and trying to be perfect one. Trying to look good one day, trying to look masculine one day, trying to look cool one day. Isn't that what everyone wants. What about what everyone don't want?

To enjoy a good life you need to experience all sorts of situations. To bitch about your problems is one thing, to accept and get through it is another.

Being seen is like a BMW (no offense to all beemer fans). Looks good in the outer part, averagely bad in the inner part. Look really good outside, definitely rotten inside. Don't you ever think why are blondie's dumb?

Is all about balance. blondie's are never dumb, we should pity them, they have to take the fall of being dumb, whereby others are smart. Ever thought of a certain percentage of blondie's trying to be smart and clever but still end up dumb? They are going against the nature force of balance.

Trying to look good is one thing, making yourself look good is another. Trying is when failure is the answer, one will stop. Making is a whole new thing. Its forcing. Trying and force your partner to do something. All u get back is either a slap or no sex for a month! *giggles*

Theres a friend of mine named Warren once said, theres a meter to measure the brain. It comes in 3 parallel levels. Its either Clever-Clever-Stupid, Clever-Stupid-Clever, Stupid-Clever-Clever, Stupid-Clever-Stupid, or Stupid-Stupid-Clever. End of the day who cares? Thats what you are. If you friend can't accept it. Then he/she is definitely not your friend! I'll touch on friendship soon. Until then Ja-na!

Old Friends....

What can I say? Friendster really rocks! *smiles* today I got a ex-classmate..from primary school! I repeat primary school! sent me a message. Audrey is her name and she look rather like Ella ( A malaysian female singer) dammit!

To tell you the truth, seeing old friends pictures brings me back to my roots, brings me back to my hometown, brings me back a huge load of memories which is still fresh in the back of my head. To the one place, where there is no worries, no jams, no hassle and everything a human need is all there. Smuggled liquors, cigarettes, and electronic goods. Life is good back in Sarikei, I'd stay there one day, the day that when I'm old enough to be entitle to have the post "pension". Oh man!, life is so tiring, full of test, full of stress, full of disappointment rather then comfort, full of rage rather then love, full of deceiving acts rather then sincerity. I wonder when will this torment ends. When will we live a normal simple happy life where everyone can smile at each other and laugh over tea time.

Please my old friends out there...Julian, Andrew and the rest of my primary school friends. Lets come together, the world today is so advance and yet we lost touch of each other. Until then..Ja-na!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


How do you define a circle? Is it just a sphere that started off from a point of a pencil on a piece of paper that eventually moved by force to go into a curve and end up at the same point where you started? Or is it when u stand in one position and turn around with your God gifted body which has muscles and your eyes sees things around you and tells your mind that you're moving in 360 degrees? Or you define it as a radius around you that you're able to sense or notice things that evolves and progress every single second of your precious life?

Circle can be define in various ways. It can be define from a dictionary for those who just learn the word circle, or for those who are lazy to think about what circle really meant in the first place. It is actually a sphere that is form from a point of a pencil and to be move in a curve direction and ends up at the point where it started. To think of that particular motion and to adapt it to you daily life, thats what its all about. From the very moment you open your eyes from a beautiful dream or a nightmare or even a wet dream with your love ones, and smell the very air that your brain recognizes, your smelly teddy bear or blanket or pillow that haven't been washed for days, the scent of your odor, your lovers fragrances that stains on your shirt or pillow, the morning breeze. Then, you'll clean up yourself and get ready for whatever you're suppose to do after you have your very 1st meal of the day, which is considered the most important one, breakfast. Then you spend you whole day outside of you bedroom doing productive activities like work, studies, socializing, experience, and memories which you'll keep or forget. When night falls, you'll come back to bed and your body tells you that you're tired enough to shut down and rest and it goes back to square one. Sleep.

What if I tell you that every single thing that you do in life is base on that very circle that we use to draw in kindergarten? Would you agree? Things that you do over and over again every single day but you don't realize that actually life is just a circle, a mere cycle that make you go through the sun and the moon which human labeled it as a day. In the world today things get so complicated. I can just pick one good topic to talk about. Sexes.

Why must women prefer to be with women, or men prefer men? Is it a trend? Or does an individual feels that he/she is born in such a way to be like that? God created two different species of human so that the cupid would have their job to shoot bloody arrows, ain't that Valentine's Day for? No? Why in the hell Valentine's Day is such a hype these days? Flowers and chocolates, gifts and dinner, constructive words that triggered the mind to say "OK" to sex and end up having a miscarriage or going through an abortion when Durex wasn't pleasurable and pornography is disgusting to both genders that thinks that they are good in whatever that they are doing and do not need safety and guidelines in what will happen when the real load of shit drop on them. Therefore, hatred develops and evolves into a change of preferences in gender. Women starts to seek women and men starts seeking men. Its because the level of comfort zone is easier to obtain in that manner? Its because the word solution is overrated? Where is the challenge factor in an individual like that? Wheres the feeling of getting up and try again? Wheres the sense of adventure in seeking for a life partner? Where is the love?

You might think that its a harsh thing to say, but hey, its reality, it happens every single day and there are worse. Guy can't get girl to bed, guy gets frustrated, end up butt fucking another guy. Hilarious may it seems, but the agony of not getting a female in a men's life duels deep down in his heart and it won't submerge ever again. Its because he decided to take the easy way to his comfort level, and dare to call himself a man?. Englishmen labeled the word "Gay". Next thing, some idiot got trapped in it, and for all you know, it became an "in-thing" to do? Again, hilarious may it seems, but what about females? Their agony pars with the males doesn't it? Lets see, girl gets guy to like her, she blushes. Girl gets guy to buy her things, she blushes. Girl gets guy to do things for her, she blushes. Girl found out that the guy is an expert in a game called "Cinta Kayu Tiga" (sorry to non-malaysian readers, its called the Love Triangle game). Girl gets angry cause she loses her virginity to the guy, gets angry because she put effort in loving the guy, gets angry because she spend so much of time, money and effort to make sure that in public she and him can be seen by the public as one hype, happy and loving couple which she hope and wishes that people will be jealous about, hopefully can be a role model to them who wants to be coupled in the near future and being published in magazine and be glamorous. After all this, she ended up to be with another women. Englishmen labeled the word "lesbian". Another idiot got trapped in such situation the only difference is the gender, the porn industry picks it up and finds it intriguing, the next thing you know, they made money out of it. Creative may it sound, but hey its against the circle that everyone went through. Mother nature doesn't like that. Thus, disaster falls on earth in separate regions. It won't happen without a reason.

Living in denial is about phrase that it seems to fit the puzzle. They are 2 species of these for both sexes. Lets start with guys, since I am one. Guy dates a transsexual, and guy dates another hot looking macho guy. What is the difference? Well there is a BIG difference. Lets start off with guy dating transsexual. Well its another way of tagging himself as "I still can fuck a chic but its a he, thats all" or rather equivalent to "loser", but that word doesn't strike much of a person's feeling, we're Malaysian, so we might say these kinds of dudes are more labeled as "dungu(loser) or dugong (sea lion without a ball)" its a word that doesn't imply in proper manner. Just a word. To actually tagged the guy a sea lion is still fine, what about the transie? He is not even he anymore, he's half way to becoming a she but he's not she, so how do people address them? Mak Nyah (some term to to be polite in Bahasa Melayu) to be denial about life, sampah (rubbish) to be truthful but hurting. Another category is a guy that dates a guy that looks like a guy. Well lets simply put it as "I still can fuck a chic but its a he" only that this time its an updated version. Softwares has patches, so does humans. We humans try to make living a better experience. Now its version 2.0! What a breakthrough!

What about the females? Well females do have 2 species too. Theres female dates female looking female and female dates male looking female. Difference? We'll start with a female dates a female looking female. Its another way to tell we men "Hell, she treats me better then you do". Well what are friends for in the 1st place? Are they for you to fight over a guy that is cute so that you can ditch you friend? Are they for you to fight over a dress cause you think you can fit in better and look better? Are they for you to fight over who looks and acts better like Paris Hilton? The answer is no, friends are for you to go to consult with and get over with you troubles. They are as good as your family members, why do friends exist is because your family are unavailable at time or can't really understand your feelings. Only a friend can do that, to understand you to comfort you and to cheer you up. This applies the same to males too. Heres another example of how a female runs to her comfort zone using a shortcut. As for the females that like male looking females. Its total rubbish, its such an obvious scenery that you're living in a denial life. Its like showing people that you want a guy, but you want the guy without balls and a shaft cause without that you won't have to go through with another night where that thing will have to drill you through the night and makes you dehydrated and tired. Well, what is the mouth and brains for darling? To speak your mind out! Don't take the short way to your comfort zones, work it out. You'll be satisfied with your effort to solve this very problem.

As for naturally born human that likes their own genders, please don't be upset with what I wrote, because to me, you are the ones who are the people that the others are going to meet and ask and learn what is it like to be like you. Hopefully they'll learn your good skills and attitude to be a better person. Whereby you have to endure your nature. To like your own gender naturally is not a blessing its a curse, but you have to remember that you'll have something special in you that no ordinary human have, and that is Why Queer Eye For A Straight Guy show is so famous! Cause they have realize WHO they are and WHAT they are capable of. You can make a difference, start small and grow strong. You are the species that the human have to look up to, because it doesn't matter what gender are you, you have both in you, and having that naturally gives you the ability to judge whats good and whats not in you very own opinion. That is something that actually people is hunger for. Not your tight assholes or your long fingers.

Well thats a pile of crap that I never though I'll ever write, but hey! I just finished it! Until then, as usual, write me back about this one..Ja-na!

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Balance?

I've been thinking to myself and been looking people around me every single day. Trying to understand the eagerness of waking up in the morning, going through the jam on the highway, get to the office in time, work for five days, and at the end of the week, party in clubs or rest at home. Thats the normal thing that everyone sees around them and feels around them. I've tried to understand the urge of materialism in the world that everyone is living in today. Clothings, to cover ones body. Cars, to make one comfortable at all times. Watches, to keep track of time. Hand phones, to communicate. Wallets, to keep important things in it. Handbags, to differentiate between genders. Shoes, to keep one's feet clean. All these are actually what we need, but being transformed into what we want. Some became suckers for either one of these. Some are forced to want it, some forced themselves to want it, others just have whatever there is left. Today, fights of materialistic inventions between the two sexes, which one are men's which one are women's gets higher and higher each minute.

Everyone admits that they have feelings when it comes to relationship or friendship or at the workplace to get sympathy from the opposite party which unintentionally hurt their feelings. What about the other less fortunate people? What about the victim of natural and man made unforeseen events? What about the ones that even didn't know how to complaint? Did we ever look at that point and carry on? Did we ever helped the needy? Would we be thinking of helping the needy when we are not in their positions? Would we even care to take part?

Pretentious and denial is to words with merely the same meaning, but when its imply to two different individual, the outcome is totally different but in a same manner. What is the objective of being such? If one is to believe that fairy tale do come through, why must reality be such a harsh sight to look at and such a torture to endure?

Love? What is love to human being? Being in love, a male and female have attractions for each other. Some find true love, but it lasted for months, or at most, years. To have a physically stunning partner is to be seen by others, is the heart really true to each other? To give and receive shows tolerance between the couple, but to receive and give what? To love the same gender because the opposite gender was a painful experience. Is this wrong? Or is it just another solution to rebound? To feel safe in the arms of the same gender is something that is against mother nature. But to be born with such attribute is to show to the world that this person have to endure life no matter what God had given him. Its two very different situation. Having a couple which have the pretentious and denial factor in them, will be good to look at in public. But have they stay true to their feelings? What about someone else that really show the tendency of true love? Aren't they the ones that should have been given a chance to show internally the true feeling of this wonderful thing called love?

Getting acquaintance with someone is a basic thing to be evolved into something human called friendship, maybe relationship and hopefully a happy ending. Reality shows nothing about getting to know someone else. If a guy tries to get to know a girl, they call it "pick up line's good ey!". If its the opposite, they called it "damn, thats one hell of a slut!". Wheres the smile, the nod, the "hi" and all the other body language stuff that back in the old days it worked perfectly for our ancestors? Why must there be "a Lamborghini before u can date me"?

A simple understanding of relationship relates to the cycle of people's daily life. Affecting from the workplace, right till the very own house that one is staying under. Why can't there be balance in between the center? Why can't the ease of smiling be around be around anymore? Why can't people care about each other? The balance of everything that one does is in one's own hands. There is no one to blame, there is no one to take the blame. Its all in the mind.

Its been a while since i wrote in my blog, just writing crap, don't bother thinking about what i just wrote! If u do, please send me some feedbacks. Indeed The Balance is a great force, but to overcome it takes courage and risk. Until then..Ja-na!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Memoirs, Dreams, Materialize, Hon-To-Ni-Deska?

In 2001, I've been expose to KL live. I must say more to selangor kind of life, KL's more hectic. Well, being a teenager in a place full of Lust, Temptation, Greed and Fog of Feelings. I have to be grateful to a handful of people which makes me the person I am today. Firstly, I have to thank my buddy Eric Choo a.k.a Yoshito, don't matter if we still keep in touch or not, but he's the 1st friend that I really had which is the same age with me when I got the first job on my own (minus the other part time jobs i got through people). Well, basically he's the one that poised me, the one that that taught me, the one that was with me through thick and thin. But, not all Eric, not all(laughs).

In 2002 (if I'm not mistaken) I met this wonderful person, which turn my life 360 degrees round vertically and 180 degrees horizontally. Lets just keep it as the letter "D" so I won't offend anyone in any matter. Well, as lame as you want to call it, I met D over the Internet. We corresponded through e-mails and finally get to meet up and get along quite well at first. I found out that D is someone that i really can tag along with after Shirley. D is someone I can say that really Materialize my dream of an ideal companionship. It all tagged along until I made a very bad bad mistake. I really regretted it, still D gave me a second chance but I blew it not long after that. How naive of me at that time. I treasure, remember, mourn and dream that one day I could meet D again to say "This is me now, this is what happened to me after you left, after I learned it the hard way, after I have to start all over from crawling out of the shit hole that i dug with my own two hands, then walked then clean up the shit all over me, then stand up on my own two feet".

I really suffer all these years. At first, I try to get over it. I did but eventually memoirs will come back when one lays head on the pillow and the minutes to dreamland, the thoughts of the past will haunt the mind. I figured out that I still can't get over the fact that D is the one. I strife to be a better person from a jerk to a person, which until today I still want to improve. Because, I always believe that one day, just one day, I'll be given a second chance to contact D. True enough I just did a few hours back. I still can't believe this is happening, but its happening. I'm not expecting anything from D. All I want is another chance to make it right this time. That's all I asked and I hope that the Person Upstairs allows that. Cause in most cases He won't. Well until then, more about D next time. Ja-na!