Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Everyone and every newspaper in town is saying that 2009 will have a great economical impact where everything will go through and not down the drain. Just how much more worse can humans thing about the situation that Earth is going to face?

Why can't the newspaper write the same fact but in a positive manner so that everyone has positive mindset to be ready for next year, at least!

If the whole world is to think that economically its going to slum, even the brightest philosopher can't help! Even religion can't help.

All we need to do is to look forward to 2009 with a positive mind so that everyone can emit that positive wave to the world and it will definitely be a better place to live on.

The word "teamwork" is not created for fucks. This is the time to make it to good use. Why can't there be harmonious atmosphere where everyone can bloom from it in economical aspect and civilization aspect?



Anonymous said...

merry christmas, Lee. and hopefully a very happy new year indeed. :)

your guardian angel

Lee Agas Guang said...

i wonder who is this guardian angel xD