Sunday, November 30, 2008

Every Chance

When I look back in my "love life" department, all I can see is just nothing!

How can this be? How can I had every chance and simply don't grab it? Or I do not know how to grab it?

I have to admit to the fact that, I'm not good with this kinds of things. Thats why I always end up with nothing. Nothing solid, its just a close friend kinda feeling and I really do not know why.

The weird part is when I really like that someone, somehow or rather I'll tend to fuck it up unintentionally. Why does this has to happen to the one I 100% give my commitment to?

Is it that this is the sign to tell me that its not the time yet?( Like what others claimed). Or is this the bliss I have to bear and end up being a bachelor for life? And I would have to consult those who are trouble without chargers. After they feel alright, they'll joke and tell me "you should open up a consultation firm". To me that hurts, wheres the appreciation? Fuck!

Well, I've being friends with different types of females, maybe The Man Above wants me to meet more before he would let me settle with the final one.

I guess is true what they say, "Save The Best For Last".

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